Merchandising, How-To, Foodservice, Products Guest User Merchandising, How-To, Foodservice, Products Guest User

How To Handle Killer Brownie® Bulk Slabs

Killer Brownie® is a service-first company, meaning we care about your success. We'll equip you with the tools, tips, and tricks you need to easily provide your customers with the #1-selling gourmet brownie in the nation. In addition to our robust retail-ready program, we offer high-quality Foodservice slabs to fit your bakery needs while reducing labor costs and raising your bottom line.  

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Retail Ready, Merchandising, How-To Guest User Retail Ready, Merchandising, How-To Guest User

Build a Cup Program to Maximize Grab-and-Go Sales 

Are you eager to enhance your grab-and-go dessert offerings? Create a cup program using Killer Brownie® bites! The cup program is a medium-size parfait cup filled with brownie bites and topped with a dome lid. It utilizes our pre-cut Foodservice slabs to create an easy-to-merchandise, grab-and-go program, allowing you to sell more brownies at a higher price point.

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